Boone County, Missouri
This Site is part of
MOGenWeb Project
USGenWeb Project
Boone County is available for adoption, if interested please e-mail the State coordinator for details.
History ~ Maps ~ Biographies & Pioneers ~ Lookups & Queries
~ What's New
History of Boone County [Wiki]
County Namesake: Daniel Boone
Township Histories
History of Boone County, Missouri
Western Historical Company, 1882
Township Histories begin on Page 539 : Biographies at the end of each Chapter
Note: There is a lot of interesting
Biographical index
'Gleanings from the Township Histories'
A History of Northeast Missouri
Walter Williams 1913
Searchable Index ~
Read or Download
There are three Volumes to this Book. ~
The Biographies are in Vol II

Historic Missourians, Towns & Forts, and...
George Caleb Bingham ~
Old Settler's
Association: 1897
but not forgotton" ~ Missouri Pioneer Site
Forts of Missouri ~
Historic Missouri Towns
Missouri History - Provincial Period ~
Missouri Time Line
Native American Tribes in Missouri

Missouri Pioneers, County and
Genealogical Records; 30 Volumes Created by: Hodges, Nadine ~
Vineyard, John, Mrs. ~ Woodruff, Audrey Lee Wagner, 1913-1996
[Books - FS Catalog - Log In, Search: Use Nadine Hodges ] Here
are the Vols for Boone County Vol 2, Boone, Orig Land Pat's, Pgs 17-27
Vol 9, Boone, Patrons Atlas, 1875, Pgs 70-81 Vol 11, Boone, 1821 Tax
List, Pgs 51-54

County Neighbors:
~ Audrain
Callaway ~ Cole
Moniteau ~
Cooper ~ Howard

Search Boone County Resources

Interactive Atlas ~ Boone County Plat Maps
Boone County Township Map ~
Getty Geographical Thesaurus
Bureau of
Land Management ~
Geo Communicator
Fire Insurance Maps [Scroll Down]
USGS Maps for
Missouri ~
Missouri State & Regional Maps
Historical Maps ~ Perry Castaneda ~
Quadrangles ~
Surveyor's Base Maps
Historic Map Works
~ "Residential Genealogy"
Library of
Congress: Miscellaneous Maps
Google Earth Pro
in other Missouri Counties?
Here is a map with
clickable links

If you wish to post Genealogical Queries online,
use the "io groups site" for Boone County
So far, I am the only one available for lookups:
Kansas City Star [1 Mar 2013 > Current]
Access to the following Subscription Databases [Library Editions]
My Heritage ~ Heritage Hub [Newspapers]
you have access to local records and are willing to help out, please send along
a note
'History Hub' = New
Lookup Service
Search for Living
People: Zaba Search
Local Historical, Museum, and Genealogical
Agencies and [Research
The above list has local resources, web pages and information that may help
with research.
MO Digital Heritage:
Genealogical Collections

"What's New:
Family Search Catalog"
March 2025 Boone County Circuit
Court Cases 1850 - 1925 These are really interesting Cases: From
Delinquent Taxes to Adoptions and Murder!! The Chart Below gives the Film #'s
and time Frames, There are Indexes The Early Records are hand written. The
images are in Chronological Order

Missouri Cousins
LDS Film # 873784 /
Book 977.8D2 Author: A
Maxim Coppage Published by: Raines Publishing Company 11 W 20th
Street, Antioch, Calif., USA ~ September 1969
This little book is chock full of bits and pieces of family information.
this link for the Boone County Pages
this link for the Index Access: Download the book using the link
above or use the FS Catalog and get the film.

War Casualties: LDS Film 4218687 [Missouri]
US Navy, Coast Guard & Marines Published in 1946 The infomation:
Name, Rank, Street Address & Parents Access: FS Catalog


Vital Records ~ Cemeteries &
Mortuaries ~ Obituaries
Family Search Vitals & Other Resources
The links to the
collections should work, but if they do not,
please sign in to search and view.
Births and Christenings, 1827-1935 ~
Missouri Marriages, 1750-1920
Missouri Deaths and Burials, 1867-1976 ~
Missouri Deaths, 1883-1930
Mortality Schedule: 1860
Naturalization & Court Records: 1802 > 1969

1910: Missouri Birth and Death Records
 Family Search
Catalog Records: Marriages
>>>New<<< March 2025
Film # 008978278 Item 2 Boone County Marriages "Some Boone
county Marriages" Taken from an old Journal of Joseph Kirtley
Rogers President of Christian College Columbia, Missouri,
1858-1877 By His Great Neice: Mrs Duke Parry Chapter
Chairman of Gen Records Columbia Chapter, Columbia Mo: 1945 Images
112 - 121
The Vitals listed
below are all on film,
Use the Lists below
and then access the FS Catalog to view the records
Marriage, 1821-1841 (no index)
[913355 / Item 1]
Marriage, v. A-B, 1821-1872 [909125] ~
Marriage, 1872-1880 [913354]
Marriage, v. 1-3 1881-1891
[913356] ~
Marriage, v. 4-6 1891-1899
Marriage, v. 7-9 1899-1907
[913358] ~
Marriage, v. 10-11 1907-1912
Marriage, v. 12-13 1912-1919 [913360] ~
Marriage, Colored 1865-1882
[913355 / Item 2]

Missouri Death Records
Death Certificates: 1910 - 1971 Online Missouri Digital
Genealogical Collections [Contains Vitals]
Vital Records can be found in Newspapers
This is the
link for the Missouri Digital Newspaper Project
Free Digital
Chronicling America ~
Google Archives ~
California Digital
Newspapers [There are Articles for MO]
Two new Sites:
History Hub &
Century Past

"Missouri Only" - Vital Record Databases, Family Search
County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991 |
Marriages, 1750-1920 |
Missouri Births
and Christenings, 1827-1935 |
Births, 1817-1939 |
Missouri Deaths
and Burials, 1867-1976 |
Deaths, 1883-1930 |
Missouri, Civil
Marriages, 1820-1874 |
Church Records, 1827-2004 |
 Probate Records Court & Probate Records: FS Film
Court, Probate, v. 1-2 1872-1875
Court, Probate, v. 3-4 1875-1879
Court, Probate, v. 5-6 1879-1886
More Probate Films :
# 913361 ~ 1819-1853
The index images are here.
The actual records are here.

Cemeteries of Boone County
>>>New<<< March 2025
Film # 008978278 Item 2 Tombstone Inscriptions from: Mount
Pisgah Cemetery [Three Miles North of Sturgeon Missouri] Macedonia
Cemetery [Six Miles North of Sturgeon Missouri - Boone County] Copied
by Mrs Kirtley Miller Smith Member of Mexico Chapter, Mexico, MO
Images 129 - 135
Cemetery Map
Interment.net: Rocky Fork Cemetery
Cemetery [Bethel Church] [Book]
Find~A~Grave: 193 Cemeteries
F-A-G: Born in Missouri, Died in San
Luis Obispo County, CA
Tombstone Project: Boone County
U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection,
1847 - 2015

records of Boone County, Missouri
Statement of Responsibility:
compiled by Elizabeth
Prather Ellsberry
Authors: Ellsberry,
Elizabeth Prather, 1923- (Main Author)
Cemetery |
Volume |
Cemetery |
Volume |
Cemetery |
Volume |
Bethel |
Vol 5 |
Liberty |
Vol 6 |
Schooling |
Vol 7 |
Bethlehem |
Vol 4 |
Little Bonne
Femme |
Vol 5 |
Searcy |
Vol 7 |
Bonds Chapel |
Vol 3 |
Locust Grove |
Vol 6 |
Shock |
Vol 7 |
Botner |
Vol 4 |
Midway Locust
Grove |
Vol 7 |
Sims |
Vol 6 |
Cave |
Vol 7 |
Mt Plesant |
Vol 3 |
Smith |
Vol 7 |
Centralia /
Part 1 |
Vol 8 |
Mt Zion |
Vol 3 |
Spence |
Vol 7 |
Centralia /
Part 2 |
Vol 8 |
Nashville |
Vol 4 |
Starke |
Vol 7 |
Church of Christ |
Vol 6 |
New Salem |
Vol 5 |
Stone |
Vol 7 |
Columbia / Part
1 |
Vol 2 |
Oakland |
Vol 1 |
Sturgeon |
Vol 6 |
Columbia / Part
2 |
Vol 2 |
Olivet |
Vol 7 |
Talbott |
Vol 7 |
Dripping Spring |
Vol 4 |
Orear / 2 |
Vol 7 |
Taylor |
Vol 7 |
E A Hamilton,
Family |
Vol 3 |
Perche |
Vol 4 |
Toalson |
Vol 7 |
Fairview |
Vol 5 |
Points |
Vol 7 |
Turner / 4 |
Vol 7 |
Friedens |
Vol 3 |
Prairie Grove |
Vol 3 |
Tuttle |
Vol 7 |
Gibson |
Vol 7 |
Providence |
Vol 1 |
Unidentified |
Vol 6 |
Grandview |
Vol 3 |
Red Rock |
Vol 4 |
Unidentified |
Vol 6 |
Grant |
Vol 7 |
Red Top |
Vol 1 |
Union |
Vol 5 |
Harrisburg |
Vol 1 |
Renfro |
Vol 7 |
Union |
Vol 6 |
Harrisburg |
Vol 5 |
Ridgway |
Vol 7 |
Wade |
Vol 7 |
Jewell |
Vol 4 |
Riggs |
Vol 7 |
Waters |
Vol 7 |
Keene |
Vol 7 |
Robinson |
Vol 7 |
Wiggington |
Vol 7 |
Rocheport |
Vol 1 |
Rocky Ford Primitive |
Vol 3 |

There are more Cemetery Records that can be found
in Family Search "Historical Images"
Everett, Lexington, Missouri Township and Boone County inclusive
The various types of Records:
Biographies, Cemetery, Church, Contract Lists, Enlistment, Court
Records, Land, Plats & Surveys, Deeds, Probate &
Estate, Genealogical, JP Marriages, Military Discharges, Tract Books,
and Wills
Time Frames: 1821 > 1941
Census Records and Draft Registrations were not indexed.
The following will help you get a handle on information that
could be of value to your search for Family data.
The chart linked here will
be a decent guide.
To access the Historical Images, log into your FS Account:
Click on Search, then at the top of the page: Historical Images:
You can begin with the search, but if you get lost or cannot figure it
all out, then use the chart I have created to access the information.

Mortuary Records
California, Sacramento, Cemetery Records, 1900-1959 FS Film #
104304412 See FS for Exact Birth & Death Locations / Search using
"MO" Clark, Booth & Yardley [Mortuary Cards]

FS Catalog : Film # 873784 ~ Item 5 Obituaries from the Columbia
Daily Tribune, Boone County,Mo., 1959
The obits are typed abstracts. There is no index, but they are arranged in
alpha order: Here are the image ranges:
A - F, 432-458 ~ G - L, 458-478 ~ M - R, 479-497 ~ S - Z,
Obituaries: 1998 > 2020
NewsBank: Missouri Newspapers - Index

In the FS Catalog:
Tidbits from the Big Piney Examiner of Sublette
Co., WY
1912 > 2006 - Some Years Missing
Compiler: Anna Lee Woffinden
The Indexes for Each Booklet are Here
The Booklets are full of Obituaries, Death & Funeral Notices
Accidents, and the odd news article about local Pioneers
Download individual booklets from the FS Catalog

Chronicling America has Historic Newspapers for Boone County:
The Columbia Evening Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 1920 to 1923 1
The Daily Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 1916 to 1917 1
The Evening Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 1917 to 1920 1
The Professional World (Columbia, Missouri) 1901-192? [Online Resource] 1
The Professional World (Columbia, Mo.) 1901-192? 1
University Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 1908 to 1916
This Link has more current Newspapers & Obits

More from Family Search: Catalog
Pahrump, Nevada Genealogical Society Obits 1970
2009: Published: 2010
Digital copies of obituaries for people with some connection to Pahrump, Nevada.
Individuals may have lived and or died in many different states.
There are indexes and each book is searchable or available to download.
Use this Link for all of the Books


Military ~ Prison ~
Odds & Ends
Military Records & Resources
Records: War of 1812
the National Archives
War Records: Archive.org
Links below are for records in the FS Catalog
Union Soldiers: 1861-1865
Confederate Records 1861-1865 ~
Confederate Pension Applications
Civil War: Boone County, MO ~
Civil War: Battles in Missouri
DAR Lineage [6 MOCounties]

Miscellaneous Military Records:
for Disabled Veterans1866 > 1938
Army Cemeteries [Missouri]
Armed Forces Grave Registrations [Missouri]
Missouri Confederate Records
U.S., Registers of Patients at Naval Hospitals, 1812-1934 [Ancestry]:
Chart below - Boone County Men
Adams, Henry Chester |
abt 1880 |
,St Louis, MO |
03-Jan-01 |
US Naval Hospital |
Godefroid, Alois E |
abt 1892 |
,St Louis, MO |
07-Feb-13 |
Blank |
Mall, Frederick August |
abt 1883 |
,St Louis, MO |
24-Oct-12 |
Naval Hospital |
Prather, Henry Lary |
abt 1882 |
, Boone, MO |
28-Mar-05 |
US Naval Hospital |

of the Great War
[Nice pictures]

Headstone Applications
Douglas, Charles E
Forbis, Richard P |
Gilmore, Louis A
Grant, Julian S |
Hart, Turner |
Johnson, William N
Long, Chester C |
Martin, Lindon B |
Northway, Ray E
Thornton, William A |
Vaughn, Meridith D
Warren, Richard N |
Wisley, Charley
Databases: Family Search
Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers Home Applications,
1911-1938 |
United States,
Missouri, Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored
Troops, 1863-1865 |
World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1945 |
Reports of Separation Notices, 1941-1946 |
Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865 |
Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865 |
Miscellaneous Boone County
Military Information
Gleanings from the old
Boone County Files

Prison Records
March 2025 The Archive.Org Site
has a nice collection of Missouri Confederate Prisoner of War Films
records of the War Department relating to Confederate prisoners of war,
1861-1865 [microform]
Missouri State Penitentiary: 1836 - 1931 [Search]
Online Explanation of the Prison
& Records
FS: Documents & Records - Explanation & Image Charts
to Access the Records on Film
LDS Films:
2407222 ~ 2406002 ~ 2405919 ~ 2405920
Use this link for
Film 2406002
Family Search Catalog: Missouri State Archives
Court Martial and Military Prison Records
Military Prisoners & Court-Marital Records
Prison & Correctional Instutition Databases
Prison Record
Family Search, Catalog, Film: Prison Records |
1617966 ~ Mc Neil Island |
1906: Crime Booklet |
956170 ~ Territorial Prison at Yuma, AZ |
978902 ~ CA State Prison, San Quenton, 1851-1867 [Index] |
978903 ~ CA State Prison, San Quenton, 1851-1867, Register |
978904 ~ CA State Prison, San Quenton, 1876-1889, Register |
978905 ~ CA State Prison, San Quenton, 1889-1897, Register |
978906 - Vol A ~ CA State Prison, San Quenton, List of Convicts, A - C |
978906 - Vol B |
978906 - Vol C |
978907 ~ CA State Prison, Folsom |
978907 ~ Register, 1884-1886 [Prisoner #s 11092-12354] |

Odds & Ends
Family Search Catalog Resources
Original Land Patents: 1820>1832
towns of Missouri
Missouri Land Records [FS] ~
Missouri Digital Heritage
Digital Records: Land Grants, etc

City 1911-1912 City Directory
Boone County 1921 City Directory

Did any of your
Family go to Colorado?
Here is info on
Colorado Divorces: State Wide
Filmed Records: Family Search
1900 > 1939 & 1975 > 1992
Information Entered:
CO County of Divorce ~ Date & Place of Marriage
Number and Names of Minor Children, if any
Maiden Name Restored ~ Date of Decree
Film Numbers are Here |

"The Fine Print"
Boone County Coordinator:
State Coordinator (SC) : Mel Owings
Asst. State Coordinator (ASC): Martha A C
Information contained
on all of the pages within the Boone County portion of the MOGenWeb may
be used for
personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of
copyright information and give credit where credit is due:
Any and all donated data
will remain with the County in the event of the resignation of the
County Coordinator.
If any person who
donates material in
the future and wishes to
have it returned to them, it will be accomplished upon request.
Boone County portion of the MOGenWeb|
MOGenWeb | The USGenWeb Project| USGenWeb Archives
Online Continuously Since 1997 ~
All Rights Reserved
Site Updated: 4 March 2025